Our Vision

Analytical Resource Labs offers world-class quality analytical and method development services at competitive pricing. We endeavor to build and strengthen relationships with our partners and know that ARL succeeds as our partners succeed.

What Makes Us Shine

The ARL Story

Our Core Values

Our Technology

Our Leader-Leader Mentality

Our Philosophy

The ARL Culture

The ARL-bioMérieux Collaboration

The ARL Difference

When choosing the right lab to test your products, you want to choose the lab who not only value you as a partner, it also takes ownership in every test and service it performs. With facilities across the country (and counting), we are equipped to provide a wide spectrum of services, from complete micro testing via PCR to environmental testing, CBD, and more, including Amazon certification. From the ease of sending us your samples to receiving your testing results, we are there to make sure you get everything you need to move your products to market. Our partnership associates are always there to answer your questions and guide you through our processes.

Our Commitment

Analytical Resource Labs will dedicate its resources to your success. You are our focus. You are our purpose. We are committed to doing it right for you, on time, every time

What’s more, ARL participates in a worldwide network of labs under the Tentamus umbrella, which offers the resources and expertise of nearly 100 independently owned and operated 3rd party labs. This relationship provides strength and power to our partners like you, as it allows us to offer services and testing not directly within our scope. If we can’t do it, we can connect you with an independent lab that can.

Your Success is Our Success

Analytical Resource Lab’s understands how critical turnaround times are to your success. We recognize that products sitting on the warehouse floor—waiting for analytical results—is frustrating and very costly. For this reason, our guiding directive has always been “doing it right, on time, every time.”

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